June 14, 2012

TGR Episode 8 - The Post E3 Extravaganza

This is what happens when you don't fucking listen to Twisted Gamer Radio.

Wow.  We've got almost 2 hours of podcast here for your enjoyment.  It's the week after E3, and there's tons of shit to talk about, pour over, and analyze.  We try to give you the most important nuggets, while stripping away all of the extra fat that was E3 2012.  Please enjoy the show, and don't forget to subscribe to us via iTunes and rate us over there.  We would appreciate it you hardcore minions.

On today's Twisted Gamer Radio:

- E3 2012- Madden Tech Support Fail Re-Enactment
- Crytek Goes Free-To-Play
- Activision Settles Infinity Ward Litigation
- Fucked Up News: 4-Year Old Saudi Boy Shoots Over PS3
- Sound Clip Corner: Dumb Girls Steal Girl Scout Cookies

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